Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly impacting all areas of our lives, from unlocking our smartphones with our faces to self-driving cars. These things have become so entrenched in our daily lives that it is easy to forget that none existed as little as ten years ago.
The technology and extensive data needed to create artificial intelligence have only been available to scientists in recent years. Still, they have rapidly developed many of the products we use today.
However, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) haven’t just impacted our personal lives and positively impacted businesses. Businesses in all industries have benefitted from improving customer experience, streamlining many business processes and even adding tasks they may not have thought about before.
This also means a rising demand for employees with the skills needed to create the tools required for all industries to implement AI and ML, which has meant a rapid increase in careers in AI and ML.
In a recent report, the World Economic Forum predicted that “the robot revolution will create 97 million new jobs” in the next five years.
With this in mind, what do the team at Agile Recruit think are the top 5 jobs in Machine Learning and AI, and what skills will you need to succeed in each role?
#1 Artificial Intelligence Researcher
Artificial intelligence research is concerned with discovering ways to advance the technology rather than its application or function. AI researchers will often specialise in understanding large data sets and convert this understanding into plans to develop new AI technologies that can be brought to life by data scientists.
The skills needed by successful artificial intelligence researchers include:
- the ability to analyse data
- critical thinking – undertake a brainstorming to find new approaches and methods
- deep knowledge of maths – to be able to use statistics to predict how AI programmes will run
- experiences in tools such as RapidMiner or Sketch Engine
#2 Data Scientists
Data is at the heart of AI and machine learning, so people who can adequately manage data will have many opportunities for success in this niche. Once AI researchers have found new methods for AI and ML to solve, they will pass these findings on to a team of data scientists who will then apply these methods to real-life situations.
The skills needed by successful data scientists include:
- fluency in programming languages such as Python and R
- good communication skills
- knowledge of algorithms and their frameworks to be able to build AI models
#3 Machine Learning Engineers
So, AI researchers collate data and human learning, which they then pass on to data scientists to work on. Machine learning engineers then take this data and use it to generate predictive models which can spot gaps that aren’t easy for the human eye to identify and speed up the process of identifying new solutions. So, machine learning engineers design self-running systems to automate these predictive models and enhance their effectiveness.
The skills needed by machine learning engineers include:
- experience in the use of machine learning packages such as SciPy and TensorFlow
- and strong analytical skills
#4 Deep Learning Engineers
Deep learning is part of machine learning and is concerned with “brain-like” structures designed to mimic human thought processes. This is a more time-consuming process than machine learning, but the results are often more effective. Deep learning engineers are tasked with programming AI systems to ensure the solutions they create are transferable.
The skills needed by deep learning engineers include:
- the ability to code
- expertise in software such as Python
- and focus
- good data intuition
#5 Robotics Scientists
Robotics scientists need to understand how robots can solve issues in a way that humans cannot do on their own. Then they can design and build mechanical devices to perform tasks in conjunction with humans in a way that supports their activities.
The skills needed by robotics scientists include:
- good knowledge of computer science and maths
- high-level programming skills
- innovative thinking
The team at Agile Recruit work with companies of all sizes, so they have a deep knowledge of AI and computer science. Get in touch with us if you want to take the first step towards a fulfilling career in artificial intelligence and machine learning.