The world of business is no stranger to disruption. Almost all industries have seen massive changes in recent years, as we strive to make everything happen faster, at a lower cost.

Businesses in all sectors have seen changes to manufacturing processes as supply chains have been improved, better raw materials have been sourced, and changes in technology have strengthened assembly lines.

Software as a disruptive technology

The majority of disruption today, however, is powered by software. Every single industry you can think of has been impacted by software-driven products and services recently – from Spotify changing the way we listen to music, to Netflix changing the way we watch TV, to Amazon changing the way we shop. All down to software.

Software is disrupting entire markets and driving much of the innovation we see today. At the core of this disruption is the delivery method for the software itself. With DevOps helping to deliver software in new and innovative ways.

All of the big names in the world of business have been able to create new business models through their ability to build software rapidly and reliably – and also through the use of code which their developers have added to their software. This allows them to not only give their customers value much more quickly than they used to, but it also allows them to get faster feedback as well so they can tweak their software and make it better.

DevOps also allows companies to deliver their updated software via OTA (over-the-air updates) or through SaaS (Software as a Service) – meaning they can roll out updates and test live betas efficiently as well. This means they can offer their customer continuous delivery and continuous integration at the same time. All thanks to DevOps.

How is software disrupting industries?

Software has made disruption of industries so much easier, as there isn’t a physical item associated with it. In the past, a lot of industry was focused around manufacturing, for example, and so when firms wanted to innovate they had to deal with the obstacle of their physical resources.

With software, anyone who is able to develop software can now innovate and possibly create something that may just have a huge impact on the world of business.

However, just creating a piece of software on its own is not going to change the world – you have to be able to scale it up, and be able to sustain the innovation as well. Your piece of software has to have the ability for you to roll it out to a larger and larger portion of the market, and you need to keep innovating in order to not be overtaken by competitors.

Widespread adoption of the cloud and container technology has helped to increase the need for DevOps, as they have given companies and individuals much more scope than they had in the past.

Dev teams now have more access to highly sophisticated data and huge amounts of computer power, meaning the sky’s the limit. They are not restricted by limited resources anymore.

The innovation pipeline

DevOps is one of the key players in the innovation pipeline, along with continuous integration and delivery.

Continuous integration ensures every change made to your software is verified so that errors are detected as quickly as possible. Continuous delivery means ensuring your software is in a release-ready and shippable stage at all times.

Put these together with a DevOps culture, and your business will be aligned on the shared values of experimentation, learning and collaboration which allows for new software to be produced as quickly as you have the idea.

Continuous integration, continuous delivery and a focus on DevOps won’t just ensure your software is operational and tested, but it will also change the entire way your company does business.

If you want to develop your career in DevOps and help your company to stay ahead of the curve while their competitors are still trying to figure things out – then take a look at our latest data jobs. Or you can contact one of our experienced recruitment consultants directly at

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